Sustainable finance framework

General Motor’s Sustainable Finance Framework is an investor document explaining many of GM’s endeavors in sustainability, particularly in the expansion of production of EVs. The goal of this project was to beautify a relatively dense collection of copy normally printed onto a plain word file. It needed to be visually engaging yet still uncompromising in terms of the information that was provided.
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The old way of presenting these financial proposals were on barebones word or pdf files. To put it bluntly, these documents can be extremely dense and difficult to display in a very pretty way. The Sustainable Finance Framework is divided in two different sections The first section would contain a general overview of GM’s sustainability efforts with a collection of infographics and imagery. The second half would contain the financial proposals and analytics. A big objective of this project was to marry these two sections in one cohesive deck.

PRocess: Old Vs NEw

OLD Sheet


Page design Examples


GM: Global Safety Week


Trinitas Ventures