GLobal Safety Week

Global Safety Week is a time period where GM reaffirms its commitment for to workplace safety. Assets that were needed to be designed include presentation decks, MS Teams backgrounds, an updated logo, as well as a general update to the look and feel to the event. With GM’s direction leaning to technological innovation and inclusion, some changes I opted to make include a cooler tint of blue with the imagery of the earth.

2022 TEAM: Dan Tran (Art Director/Designer), Rob Hendrickson (Copywriter), Dan Wiley (Creative Director: Production)

2023 TEAM: Dan Tran (Art Director/Designer)

A first task at hand was a quick simplification of the logo to make it a bit more modern. This accompanied with a simple lockup with the GM logo made a much more readable and versatile emblem for their campaign uses. The earth motif was a still very fun element so I opted to migrate that visual into the background of the banners and certificates. For 2023, I incorporated the 10 symbolism as to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Global Safety Week.

Old Logo (2019)

10th Anniversary Lockup (2023)

Updated Logo (2022)

Updating the Logo + 10 year lockup

2022 Logo lockup variations

2023 Teams BG

2022 Teams BG

Banners and certificates


GM: Corporate Giving Report


GM: Sustainable Finance Framework